Unlock unparalleled property investment opportunities with Microburbs, powered by Australia’s most comprehensive and rigorously tested AI methodologies. Our platform taps into a database of over 90 million property listings since 1990, delivering hyperlocal insights that give you an edge in today’s competitive market.
Identify the optimal investment suburbs that match your criteria.
*found by comparing market performance of top five performing suburbs over the last 15 years with our forecasting predictions. Past performance does not predict future performance.
Deep dive into suburbs and streets with our comprehensive suburb reports.
Just $49.99/report.
Explore thousands of listings, finding the property which best matches your criteria.
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Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
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$90 / month thereafter
For homebuyers and investors who want confirmation they’ve chosen the right suburb and to find the ultimate property
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Liveability Scorecards
2 Detailed Suburb Reports / month
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Custom Data Analysis
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Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
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$180 / month thereafter
For investors seeking to maximise their capital growth and yield using advanced data and AI.
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Liveability Scorecards
10 Detailed Suburb Reports / month
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Heat Maps for Over 5000 indicators
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Custom Data Analysis
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Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
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$600 / month thereafter
For sophisticated investors looking for data that gives them an edge.
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Liveability Scorecards
Unlimited Suburb Reports / month
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Public housing and other risk factors
Find and Filter High-Growth Suburbs
Heat Maps for Over 5000 indicators
Suburb Finder - Export to CSV
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Custom Data Analysis (For Yearly)
Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
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Custom Data Analysis
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Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
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$76 / month thereafter
For homebuyers and investors who want confirmation they’ve chosen the right suburb and to find the ultimate property
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Current Plan
Liveability Scorecards
2 Detailed Suburb Reports / month
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Public housing and other risk factors
Find and Filter High-Growth Suburbs
Heat Maps for Over 5000 indicators
Suburb Finder - Export to CSV
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Custom Data Analysis
(For Yearly)
Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
/ month for first year
$150 / month thereafter
For investors seeking to maximise their capital growth and yield using advanced data and AI.
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Current Plan
Liveability Scorecards
10 Detailed Suburb Reports / month
Find Top-Performing For Sale Properties
Public housing and other risk factors
Find and Filter High-Growth Suburbs
Heat Maps for Over 5000 indicators
Suburb Finder - Export to CSV
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Custom Data Analysis
(For Yearly)
Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
/ month for first year
$500 / month thereafter
For sophisticated investors looking for data that gives them an edge.
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Current Plan
Liveability Scorecards
Unlimited Suburb Reports / month
Find Top-Performing For Sale Properties
Public housing and other risk factors
Find and Filter High-Growth Suburbs
Heat Maps for Over 5000 indicators
Suburb Finder - Export to CSV
Share Reports with Clients
Custom Data Analysis (For Yearly)
Tailored One-On-One Data Consultations with Chief Data Scientist, Luke Metcalfe
Experience a revolutionary property search with our AI-powered tool, combining all our most important property and suburb data into a single, easy-to-use search form! It’s like using real estate search sites, but on steroids! Beyond just bedrooms, bathrooms, and price, our tool incorporates all the essential criteria you need to narrow down your perfect property:
Stay ahead of the curve with the only suburb report you'll ever need for decisive real estate action. With weekly data updates - unlike our competitors who update monthly - these reports give you the competitive edge. Dive into our exclusive, comprehensive suburb and property data. Fuelled by our "Smart Median Pricing" data analysis is current and rapidly adapting to market shifts. Click below to find out how we source and process our data,
How We Do ItTap into the true potential of your investments. With our intelligent data-modelling, anticipate long-term growth and impressive rental yield while you take advantage of our market timing reporting, positioning you for success.
Our reports delve deeper than the rest. Boasting over 1 billion data points, we offer a highly targeted investment approach, ensuring every decision you make stands on a foundation of certainty and unparalleled insight
Buyer's Agent or novice, transform your approach. Differentiate your strategies with our reports, and customise them to your needs. Street-by-street analysis allows tailored insights for you or your clientele, and get noticed.
Founded by Luke Metcalfe, Australia's leading data scientist and real estate forecasting expert, Microburbs elevates property decisions to a whole new level. Our cutting-edge machine learning distills billions of data points into 5,000+ metrics for every suburb, all delivered right to your fingertips in real-time.