Metric definitions

Smart Median Property Price

The median sale price of a property calculated by Microburbs using machine learning to infer prices even at low volumes.

Smart Median Rent

The median rental price per week of a property calculated by Microburbs using machine learning to infer prices even at low volumes.

Speaks Poor English

The proportion of people who reported that they cannot speak English well or at all.

Stock on Market

The number of properties currently publicly listed as being available for purchase.

Top 3 Professions

The top 3 professions of employment in the region, calculated from the 2021 Census.

Top 5 Languages Spoken

The top 5 languages spoken in a region. Ethnic communities which speak more in their mother tongue often maintain a strong sense of community connection.

Top Industries of Employment

The top 3 industries of employment in the region, calculated from the 2021 Census.

Total Drug Offences

The rate at which the sum total of drug-related offences occur, which details all possessing, selling, dealing, trafficking, importing, manufacturing or cultivating illicit drugs. Towns can rapidly get overwhelmed my high rates of drug crime and usage, contributing to mental health issues and a lack of a feeling of safety.

Total Family Violence

The rate at which the sum total of violent crimes within a familial setting occur, including mistreatment, neglect, assault (physical, verbal, sexual, financial) and the breaching of a family violence order. Crimes of this nature often speak to lots of kinds of systemic disadvantage.

Total Violent Crime

The rate at which the sum total of violent criminal offences occur, which includes murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, harassment, abduction and kidnapping. This can tie directly to how safe people feel in an area.

Tranquility Score

The level of peacefulness and calmness in a suburb. A high Tranquility Score indicates a low level of noise pollution, low crime rates, a high prevalence of green spaces and a lack of disruptive activities. It suggests a peaceful and serene environment. It is measured as a score out of 100.

Under Class Proportion

The proportion of residents who fall under the most disadvantaged socio-economic group, often facing poverty, limited opportunities, and social exclusion. When there is a growing underclass in a region, there is a greater dampening of property growth. However, it is important to note that the existence of a stable proportion of under class citizens does not prohibit growth opportunities.

Vacancy Rate

The proportion of currently unoccupied rental properties on the market

Walk Commuters

The proportion of people (aged 15 and over) who reported that they walked the entire way or partly to commute to work.

Welfare Dependency Index

The proportion of residents receiving government welfare payments. A high value indicates a higher level of welfare dependency in the area, potentially impacting the local economy and social services. It is important to note the varying types of people which receive welfare, from unemployed people to disabled people. Also note that high rates of welfare dependency in a region can inadvertently create an income growth ceiling.

Welfare Dependent Families

The proportion of families, with children, who are low-income and financially dependent upon welfare payment. This is an important indicator of long-term entrenched disadvantage in a community. A high value can dampen capital growth in the area and lead to child behavioural issues.

Working Class Proportion

The socioeconomic group consisting of blue-collar labourers, usually with a relatively lower income and degree of socioeconomic advantage. If there is too large a working class proportion in a region, this can be an indicator that the area is over-reliant on 1 or 2 core labour-based industries, for example, mining.

Zone of The Property

The property zoning restricts and impacts how the properly may be developed and used.