October 15, 2024

What is Administrative Data and How Does it Benefit Real Estate Investors?

What is administrative data and what are its limitations?


Introduction to Administrative Data

At Microburbs, we understand that data is key to informed real estate investment decisions. That’s why we use administrative data to provide insights into neighborhoods across the country.

Administrative data is information collected by government agencies and organizations as part of their daily operations. This type of data can include things like population demographics, employment statistics, educational achievements, and healthcare utilization.

The Advantages of Administrative Data

One advantage of administrative data is its timeliness. Because it is collected as part of the daily operations of government agencies and organizations, it is often available more quickly than other types of data. This can be particularly useful for real estate investors, as it allows for timely responses to changing circumstances in a neighborhood.

Another advantage of administrative data is its coverage. Because it is collected by government agencies and organizations, it often covers a large and diverse population. This can be particularly useful for understanding trends and patterns within a neighbourhood, and for identifying areas of potential growth or decline.

The Limitations of Administrative Data

While administrative data has many benefits, it is important to consider its limitations as well. One limitation is its accuracy. Because it is collected as part of the daily operations of government agencies and organizations, there is a risk of errors or missing information.

Another limitation of administrative data is its availability. While it is collected by government agencies and organizations, it may not be easily accessible to researchers or other organizations. There may also be privacy and confidentiality considerations that restrict the use of administrative data.

The Role of Administrative Data in Real Estate Investment Decisions

At Microburbs, we believe that administrative data is a valuable tool for informed real estate investment decisions. It allows for the analysis of large amounts of data relatively quickly, and can provide insight into trends and patterns within a neighborhood.

For example, understanding employment trends within a neighbourhood can be valuable for real estate investors. If a neighbourhood has a high rate of employment and job growth, it may indicate a strong demand for housing and potential for real estate investment. On the other hand, if a neighbourhood has a high unemployment rate and little job growth, it may be a less attractive option for real estate investment.

Another example of how administrative data can be useful for real estate investors is understanding the educational achievements of a neighbourhood. A neighbourhood with high rates of educational attainment may indicate a highly skilled and desirable workforce, which can be attractive for businesses and, in turn, drive demand for housing.


In conclusion, administrative data is a valuable tool for real estate investment decisions, but it is important to consider its limitations. Despite the potential for errors or missing information, and the availability and confidentiality considerations, administrative data can provide reliable and up-to-date insights into neighborhoods across the country. By relying on this data, real estate investors can make informed decisions based on the most reliable and up-to-date insights into neighborhoods across the country.

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